So, I decided to start a website/blog to accompany our @3KidsTravel Instagram account. It's an idea I've been mulling around for almost a year and I finally just decided to take the plunge...
July 2016 in Amsterdam
My background is in developmental editing and I've always been horribly critical of my own writing (I find it much easier to work with other people's content) and sitting down to put my ideas into coherent sentences has been quite a process for me. But, as you know, I love to travel with my kids. I feel passionately that we don't have to stop doing the things we love when we have kids, and my husband and I loved to travel.
July 2009. Baby's first airplane ride!
When our first baby was born almost eight years ago she went on her first plane ride at four weeks old. In her first few months of life she went to Washington, D.C., Yosemite, Mexico, the Caribbean, and New York City. It wasn't easy to travel with a newborn and there were a lot of days where we were walking zombies. But, we made adjustments, changed our expectations, and kept doing what we loved.
October 2009 in Mexico
Fast forward to today, we have three girls (ages 2, 5, 7) and they have all been traveling since they were each four weeks old. They've traveled to Europe (Paris, London, Copenhagen, Malmo, and Amsterdam) , throughout the USA, the Caribbean, and Mexico and we have plans to keep on going.
July 2016 in Paris
The purpose of our website/blog is to hopefully provide some motivation to those of you who love to travel and want to keep traveling with your kids. We view travel as a way to introduce our girls to the world around them, help them learn and appreciate other cultures, and develop a sense of adventure and wonder. If you haven't done much travel with your kids yet that's okay, we'll help you feel ready to take some baby steps and give it at try.
We hope you'll join us on our travel journey and comment or email us and let us know what you'd love to hear more about in our regular blog posts.